Peace and Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa
An invitation to contribute to a second gathering of Evangelical Leaders
The Story
What happens in the Middle East and North Africa impacts the world. The beauty, history, and conflicts of the peoples who have inhabited the region on the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean has shaped human generations for millennia.
What if those who follow Jesus with their ethnic and denominational identities were united in the work of peace and reconciliation?
The Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN), a commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), and under the leadership of PRN Regional Coordinator Salim Munayer, is working to inspire and equip the church and people of peace to be the answer to that question in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
In December 2021 PRN initiated a MENA gathering for the first time in Turkiye. Several individuals representing different churches, communities, and organizations attended. That first meeting was a great success as people of diverse backgrounds united with a common desire to participate in the Kingdom of God and promote peace and reconciliation as Evangelical Christians.
As a result of that 2021 meeting this directional identity statement was developed: We are a network of Christ´s ambassadors from diverse ethnicities and nationalities in the Middle East and North Africa to bring the “good news” to the region. We envision bringing transformation, restoration, and healing to broken relationships between God, humanity, ethnic-religious communities, and all creation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we facilitate, network, and advocate to establish love and justice, reconciliation and liberation, peace and dignity, challenging structural oppression and marginalization so that all people may encounter life in all its fullness.
Plans have been made to meet again, December 1-4, 2022, to build on this identity statement, collaborate strategically, and mobilize Evangelical Christians for action.
Funds are needed to propel this vision forward.
MENA PRN 2022 Consultation Goals:
Moving into our next phase, the December meeting will pursue four goals:
- Expand the network to unrepresented and under-represented countries.
- Gather and make available peace and reconciliation material and information.
- Conduct training and capacity building opportunities across the MENA region.
- Strategize for a sustainable funding plan for regional peace and reconciliation activity.
Total cost: $31,500
- Regional participant contribution = $6000 ($300 x 20 participants for visas, medical insurance, airport transportation, incidental costs)
- Global church contribution = $25,500 (airfare, accommodation, administrative and planning costs)
Help make the story of the Middle East and North Africa increasingly include the advance of peace and reconciliation through Evangelical Christians in the region!
To give, follow one of these links:
- PRN Website (for multiple options, particularly European – please include code MENAPRN 2022)
- The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (for Canadian donors please use code WEAPRN)
- World Evangelical Alliance, Public Engagement (please include the code MENAPRN 2022)
Coordination and Leadership Team:
PRN MENA Coordination Committee:
- Dr. Salim Munayer – Regional Coordinator for MENA Region
- Phil Hilditch – Member of Coordination Committee
- Youstina Mikhail – Member of Coordination Committee
- Chaden Hani – Member of Coordination Committee
- Adel – Member of Coordination Committee
PRN Global Director: Phil Wagler
PRN Foundation Chairman: Eberhard Jung