Ambassadors for Peace
Our Vision
We envision a world in peace ruled by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord, in which all things will be made new and put under the sovereign authority of God (1Cor. 15:24-25).
Our Mission
The Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN) is a worldwide movement of Evangelical Christians for peacebuilding and restoration ministries. We seek peace between people and God, peace among people in their respected communities, and we want to see people at peace with their own personality and with creation. For us peace building is an integral part of the mission of God on earth and reconciliation the heart of peace building. Being made new in Christ, we lift up the word of reconciliation in the world as our task and commission (2Cor. 5:17-20). We do this together with all those who understand the call of God.
Our Strategy
The PRN works through peacebuilders in churches and Christian agencies. We call our corporate agents strategic partners and individual persons ambassadors for peace. All of them follow in one way or another our TRAIN Strategy see What We Do
- Training or promoting training for peace and reconciliation;
- Restoration of personalities or promoting mediation in conflicting situations;
- Assisting those who are directly involved in peacebuilding and reconciliatory work;
- helping to Initiate projects where there is no local initiative yet;
- supporting the Network as such by adding information, creating friendships, etc.
Becoming an Ambassador for Peace
As a worldwide movement of Evangelical Christians, we seek to know and network people already active or desiring to learn more about the integral part peacemaking and the ministry of reconciliation has in the mission of God in the world.
Becoming a PRN Ambassador begins with connecting with our PRN Team by submitting the form at the bottom of this page.
Become an Ambassador for Peace and represent reconciliation in your surroundings! Click on the link below to read and eventually fill out the form. You will then receive our bi-monthly newsletter and can act as ambassador for PRN wherever you go.
Great to have partners like that all over the world!